(Eric Darrow Worthley)
Show Description: As day breaks in a hotel room, a dangerous criminal is apprehended and society is made safe once more.
Artist Description: Eric Darrow Worthley is an actor, director, improviser and playwright living in Brunswick, Maine. He is joined for PortFringe 2022 by veteran fringe artists Joe Quinn and Scott Furrow.
Schedule: OCCUPANT OF HOTEL ROOM 429 is part of PF22 Event #7 and will be presented with two other short PF22 shows – TITLE GOES HERE and A MAN CLAMS UP – on the following schedule:
Tuesday, June 14 @ 7:00PM – at PortFiber
Friday, June 17 @ 8:30PM – at Goodfire
Saturday, June 18 @ 5:00PM – at Maine Studio Works
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