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POSTED 6/24/2022
A hilariously chaotic glimpse into the brainstorming efforts of some very strange minds and the preparation that goes into planning a PortFringe show. It was like watching a house party ping pong match that you couldn’t take your eyes off of – ideas bouncing all over the place in an organized frenzy. It felt like the audience was actually part of the Zoom calls and text threads that were being acted out. Also great (subtle!) use of dildo. The crowd started with small chuckles and were roaring with laughter by the end!
submitted by: Lora
PortFringe Independent Review Team
POSTED 6/16/2022
I would describe this play in one word: ENERGY!
From the moment the actors took the stage we the audience were buckled in for a whirlwind rollercoaster ride of buffoonery. Armed with a box of mystery props we followed them through the creative and procrastination process of preparing for this very Fringe Show. The chemistry of the actors was electric as they constantly winked at the audience, see how prepared we are? Even with scripts in their hands I couldn’t always tell what was improv, what was prepared, but I was laughing so hard I didn’t even care.
submitted by: E. G. Brego
PortFringe Independent Review Team
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