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(Chimera Theatre Collective)
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POSTED 6/9/2021 – Chimera Collective’s Story Gauntlet, in the company’s trademark intelligent wordplay, uses storytelling and innovative narrative form to explore how the word is passed. Chimera has a refreshing way of breaking form and telling stories in quirky, undefinable shapes. The collective has never been one to tell stories in linear fashion, they make the audience work for it. If you experienced Escape Room in the previous PortFringe, this piece feels similar in the way it jumps from right to left to up to down and you are never sure which way it will turn. It is invigorating to watch a group of exceptionally different performers take on the same character and we certainly have no idea what to expect. It moves quickly, keeps attention, and explores a deeper theme (either consciously or subconsciously) of what happens when we misunderstand. Chimera can also be commended for practicing what they preach and casting a diverse cast of performers.
–Lindsey Higgins, PortFringe 2021 Independent Review Team
POSTED 6/9/2021 – This show is like Zoom storytime with the nephew you couldn’t visit during the pandemic, only it gets back to you that he was never actually listening to anything you said.
–The Screaming Yeti, PortFringe 2021 Independent Review Team
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