< PortFringe 2024



Kelly Nesbitt & Mad Composer Lab (Portland, OR)

Show Description: Penny is a conduit who speaks to this American moment by expressing our collective grief and despair, yet exemplifies the unquenchable hope that lies deeper in the human heart. Death, mourning during covid, and healing are overt themes of this piece, as exemplified by Penny’s awkward yet earnest commitment to meditation, nature worship, and conversations with a radically different kind of deity. We also witness the artist seek solace in the transformation of becoming Penny all while struggling to be performative, for a myriad of existential reasons, during a pandemic.

About the Artists:
Kelly Nesbitt (Portland, OR) is a multi-disciplinary performance artist, midlife warrior, and frontline worker who plays at the intersection of humor and healing. kellynesbitt.com @nesdbittdam.

Mad Composer Lab (Portland, OR / Joshua Tree, CA) is an innovative and versatile composer whose imaginative music captures beauty, bursts of melodic and rhythmic energy. madcomposerlab.com @madcomposerlab.

More Information: Check out Kelly’s PF21 Artist Interview to learn more about the show and the artist!

< PortFringe 2024

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