Scroll down to read reviews of ARTHUR TO GUINEVERE AT ALMESBURY (Eric Darrow Worthley)
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POSTED 6/6/2021 – Eric Darrow Worthley is engaged, present, lovable, and draws you into this piece of longing and heartfelt love for his dear exiled Guinevere. History aficionados wil appreciate this piece. The choppy one shot take feels intimate and intriguing, like King Arthur is speaking directly to us. Worthley is relevant and urgent as a vulnerable and wholehearted King Arthur.
–Lindsey Higgins, PortFringe 2021 Independent Review Team
POSTED 6/9/2021 – Arthur to Guinevere at Almesbury is a short, but sweet, palate cleanser between the longer shows that bookend it. I want to echo what I’ve said in my other reviews, and applaud Eric, and all the Fringe artists, for creating in this new Fringe format of video. It is definitely a challenge, and the fact that everyone pulled it off, should be celebrated.
I was looking forward to seeing this show, as I still remember reading The Once and Future King in high school and how much I enjoyed it. There is so much to unpack and explore in the story of Arthur. Eric does so with a final swan song from Arthur, giving him a chance to explain himself and the duality of his love, both for Guinevere and Camelot.
The show left me asking myself, how can we honor both loves, when loving one calls us to something bigger and larger than us? Can we? Or must such a large love be at the expense of another love? How do we even explain? What is the legacy we leave behind and what do we give to others when we go?
The one drawback was that the video had a slight lag and some choppiness. However, as there is very little action of moving about, and the sound is clear, it didn’t take too much away from the piece as a whole. I thought the sentiment was beautiful and I enjoy a show that makes me think and provokes questions and discussion.
–Ian-Mer Lindsey, PortFringe 2021 Independent Review Team
POSTED 6/9/2021 – King Arthur confronts his beloved Guinevere for the last time in Eric Darrow Worthley’s one-person show, ARTHUR TO GUINEVERE AT ALMESBURY. Worthley also wrote the text (dare I say, poem?) and it’s excellent. A basic knowledge of the Arthurian legend can only enhance the film but even if one is not familiar with the story, Worthley’s words are wonderful to hear and can only inspire to learn more about the subject matter.
–Mark Magee, PortFringe 2021 Independent Review Team
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