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(Kelly Nesbitt)
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POSTED 6/7/2021 – PENNY – THE CONDUIT is a visually striking look at an artist dealing with the loss of her father by way of her persona of a clown named Penny. Writer and performer Kelly Nesbitt does an excellent job of blending a narrative format with pantomime and her use of various multimedia techniques is very powerful. A film that feels very personal and also very relatable to anyone experiencing grief.
–Mark Magee, PortFringe 2021 Independent Review Team
POSTED 6/8/2021 – One of the best depictions of grief I’ve seen (OK, maybe it’s not NOMADLAND) but it moves similarly in unpredictable ways. The final scenes literally in the mud and muck have me wanting to quit all therapy and just go wallow and play.
–Linda Shary, PortFringe 2021 Independent Review Team
POSTED 6/9/2021 – A strange but beautiful piece. Healing through clown work!
–Adam, PortFringe 2021 Independent Review Team
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