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(Catherine Siller)
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POSTED 6/6/2021 – Catherine Siller’s The Reveal is a thought-provoking exploration into the fluidity of gender identity. Through spoken word, music, dance and inventive pink and blue imagery, Siller and fellow performer Melissa Mirza create a powerful experience that will stay with you long after viewing.
–Mark Magee, PortFringe 2021 Independent Review Team
POSTED 6/6/2021 – I love dance and movement but usually not on film as much as live dance performance. This piece knew what it was doing. The video medium really enhanced the movement and the piece as a whole. The ending was joyous!
–Linda Shary, PortFringe 2021 Independent Review Team
POSTED 6/6/2021 – If you like poetry, performance art, interpretive dance, and zazzy visual effects, you will like The Reveal. The poetry, centering on themes of continual change, gender roles, and challenging norms, is sparing and effective. The visuals are delightfully weird. They are weird enough to make you tell yourself you get them even though you probably don’t. In other words, The Reveal is perfect fare for Fringe.
–Mark Shaughnessy, PortFringe 2021 Independent Review Team
POSTED 6/8/2021 – Beautifully weird rebuttal to gender reveal parties in. Very Laurie Anderson/performance art in the best way possible.
–Adam, PortFringe 2021 Independent Review Team
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