Fighting against the unknown self can get bloody; an impending thesis defense proves to be one hell of a battleground. An honest and open performance which succeeds when it allows the score to move us through the struggle.
— ASHLEY KOTZUR, PortFringe 2019 Review Team
To be (or not to be) a mathematician or musical dramatist. That is the question that plagues Elly, a college senior torn between practicality and passion as she faces pressing deadlines (she thinks) will determine her future. Of course, deeper questions are at hand in this new musical, and not everything is as it seems. Performed in a staged reading by the Soma Theater Collective, the show labors a bit in the early going but ultimately wins you over with surprising plot turns and heartfelt emotion. Definitely worth checking out. Seeing work in development is a great way to Fringe!
— MARK SHAUGHNESSY, PortFringe 2019 Review Team
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