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POSTED 6/28/2024
It is a real accomplishment to transform a relentless medical ordeal into an artwork that spares the audience no harrowing element but makes them smile anyway. Bee DeKay Esq. had the audience on their side throughout this musical journey, and for good reason. Their lyrics were engaging, the performance was heartfelt, and the other “characters” in the show, bizarrely depicted as cardboard puppets, were lovingly played by the supporting cast.
Submitted by Mark Shaughnessy: PF24 Independent Review Team
POSTED 6/29/2024
Semicolon: The Musical by Bee DeKay is what Fringe is made for. A catchy camp exploration of an all too familiar story of being failed by the American medical system, Semicolon requires consideration of situations often left unexplored in ‘polite’ conversation. DeKay’s wry wit and Rocky Horror-esque musicality pulls the audience through DeKay’s repulsion, fear, and confusion regarding their own body. Uncomfortable and uncompromising, this piece left me googling Diverticulitis and following up with friends dealing with chronic conditions.
Submitted by Tarra Haskell: PF24 Independent Review Team
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